
01489 573276

St John The Baptist Church Of England Primary School

Living, loving, learning with thankfulness and hope


If your child is starting school in September 2024, please contact the school office for a prospectus pack. There is also an opportunity to book an individual telephone conversation with Mrs. Merriman, our Headteacher if you would like to.  We are pleased to make available our virtual presentation on our homepage along with other useful information.

For all admissions during the year, please contact the school office where we will be delighted to assist.  Hampshire applications can be processed through the school office while out of county applications are processed through the Local Authority. 


Admissions Policy 2023 - 2024

Admissions Policy 2024 - 2025

Admissions Policy 2025 - 2026

Link to Hampshire County Council - Year R application

Link to Hampshire County Council - In year application